Born in As Pontes de García Rodríguez (Galicia, Spain).
Rock guitarist as a teenager, later studied jazz guitar with guitarrist Kely García. Bachelors degree in Classical Guitar with Prof. Margarita Escarpa (Vigo Conservatory, Spain), Masters degree in Music Pedagogy (Santiago de Compostela Univ., Spain), Bachelors degree in Early Music (Lute) at ESMAE (Oporto, Portugal) and two Masters degrees in Early Music (Lute and Chamber Music) with Prof. Rolf Lislevand at the Musikhochschule Trossingen (Germany).
Throughout these years he developed his activity as a performing musician, also as a soloist but mainly colaborating with ensembles and musicians (Artemandoline, Nuria Rial, Anton Steck, La Gallarda, Ensemble Pretiosa, I Fedeli, Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, O/Modernt, Ad Fontes,...). He performs regularly with the latvian soprano Baiba Urka.
He has been teaching classical guitar, electric guitar and lute at several music schools in Spain and Germany. At the moment he teaches at the Musikschule Renningen (Germany).

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